masthead-welcome to ASCA

Dates have changed for the first taping of Alabama Scholars Bowl due to equipment updates at APT. The new dates for taping the high school tournament are October 16 and 17.  Taping of the junior varsity tournament is still scheduled for November 13 and 14.  Contact Claudette Smith for more details.

Dates have been set for ASCA's district and state tournaments for the coming school year.  See the Schedules Page for a list of all dates for ASCA and AISA tournaments.



ASCA is compiling a list of former coaches and players who would like to serve as moderators and scorekeepers for district and state tournaments.  Contact Sharon Daily if you would like to be added to that list.

ASCA will have a set of middle school questions produced by NAQT for league play again this year.  These questions will be available on September 20.  Contact Sharon Daily if your league is interested in purchasing these questions. 


Important Update!

Put the date on your calendar!  ASCA's Annual Conference will be held on Monday, September 30, in Room 126 of the Judy Merritt Building on Jefferson State Community College's Hoover campus.